Event logger

BrowseName: EventLogger
SuperType: Object (BaseObjectType)
TypeView path: Tipi > Loggers > Logger degli eventi

Records the properties of one or more event types of interest generated by a specific node and/or by its child nodes, or by any node in the project, and stores them in a database.


Typically used to record and display the history of events of interest, for example the activation of alarms.

Configuring the object

Configure an Event logger

  1. Select the events of interest

  2. Select the properties of the events to record and store

  3. (Optional) To store in the database the translations of the localized strings (LocalizedText data), insert the locale IDs in the Locales property (see Locale).

  4. In the Database property, select the database in which to store the selected properties: a table for each event type is automatically created and configured in the database; and in each table, a column for each property to be stored.

Select the events of interest

  1. To select an event of interest, in the Event logger properties, click image07565D13 next to Event configuration: the event set of configuration properties appears.

  1. Set the event source nodes/objects:


Event source property value

Listen subtree property value

any project object

(no value)


a node/object and all its child objects

dynamic link with the parent node/object


a specific project object

dynamic link with the specific object


  1. In the Event type property, select the event type of interest.


    for audit event types, it is recommended to create a dedicated logger.

  2. To record only the events generated by user interactions with the application, set Exclude non-interactive sessions to True.

  3. Repeat the previous steps for each event type of interest.

Select the properties of the events to record and store

  1. In Project double-click the Event logger object: the list of properties of all the selected event types is displayed in the object editor.

  2. Select the property to record, then click Apply: the properties appear in the Event fields to log.


when a property to record is selected, a dynamic link with it is automatically set inside Event fields to log. The dynamic link points to an attribute selected automatically by Q Studio. If the attribute does not represent the data of interest, select a different attribute in the dynamic link window.









Enable/disable the recording of events.




Locales of interest for storing translations of LocalizedText data in the database, typically the descriptions of the events. Each locale has an additional column in the database for each localized property. If empty, the locales are those expected by the project (Locales property of the project root node).




Database in which to store the events data.

Event configurations


Collection of EventConfiguration

Event configuration collection of objects. If empty, record events generated by any project node.

Paths to event fields


Collection of EventFieldPath

Event arguments


Event fields to log


Collection of EventFieldToLog

Properties to record of the different events of interest.

See also

Concetti correlati

Event logger

Procedure correlate

Use the Event loggers