Advanced featuresΒΆ


This chapter presents advanced functionality and concepts of UNIQO.

Some concepts are essential to have full knowledge of the implications of choices in the design phase, in particular those concerning sessions, but a good grounding in the basic concepts and features presented in Basic concepts and Main features is necessary to understand them.

Some common features are presented in this chapter, such as user management, or in any case useful for most projects, such as translation management, as they require an overall view of the project or concern configurations that have an impact on the entire design strategy.

Also, special and characteristic advanced features of UNIQO are presented, such as retentivity and OPC UA client/server management functions.

All the procedures contained in this chapter refer to Q Studio.

Table of Contents

  • Sessions and locale

    Concepts regarding runtime sessions to understand the implications for designing through types and instances, for localizing HMI interfaces, and for designing access to features at runtime for different users

  • Alias

    Concepts and procedures regarding Alias variables, special variables for linking project nodes to create particularly advanced dynamic application logics

  • Users and Groups

    Concepts and procedures for configuring users and user groups

  • Translations

    Procedures and reference information for translating project strings and thus creating multilingual HMI interfaces

  • Retentivity

    Concepts and procedures for configuring the storage of changes made to the project at runtime

  • OPC UA

    Concepts, reference information and procedures for configuring a UNIQO project as an OPC UA client/server, and for configuring communication with other OPC UA clients/servers

  • IoT

    Reference information and procedures for setting the communication between UNIQO and supported IoT brokers

  • Report

    Reference information and procedures for generating custom PDF reports

  • System

    Reference information and procedures for configuring the communication between UNIQO and the network interfaces detected by Q Studio, and for managing the project startup/update at runtime

  • FTP

    Reference information for setting a FTP server inside a QApplication