OMRON Fins Driver¶
Name |
BrowseName |
DataType |
Description |
Station ID | StationID |
Destination Network Address | DestinationNetworkAddress |
Default value = 0. It corresponds to the FINS parameter named “Network Address”. It can be set to 0 if the PC and all the devices are on the same network. If there are more network levels, using gateway devices, you should specify the network number (valid value are in 1-127 range). |
Destination Node Address | DestinationNodeAddress |
Default value = 0. Correspond to the FINS parameter “Node address”. It depends on the FINS net configuration. Usually it corresponds to the last octet of the PC Ethernet card IP address, i.e. if is the PC IP address, use 38 as node number. |
Destination Unit Address | DestinationUnitAddress |
Default value = 0. It corresponds to the FINS parameter named “Unit Address”. Should be left to zero. |
Protocol | Protocol |
Protocol mode: Ethernet or serial |
Serial port | SerialPort |
Baudrate | Baudrate |
Data size | DataSize |
Parity | Parity |
Stop bits | StopBits |
Flow control | FlowControl |