Glossary of terms


Input/Output parameters of a method.


DataBase Management System.

blind device

Device without display (e.g. web server or IoT devices).


Data Source Name. Represents information that tells a program how to connect to a database via a driver.


Message generated at runtime by an object to signal the occurrence of a situation of interest.

locale ID

Label identifying the language and country for the locale of a user interface.


Object or variable derived from an object type or variable type, from which it inherits the information model.


The set of display settings of a user interface based on country and language.

application logic

The set of programming logics whose effects determine the behavior of an application at runtime.


Action exposed by an object and executable at design time and/or at runtime. It consists of a series of instructions that are executed following the invocation of the method.

information model

The set of nodes that describes the structure and characteristics of a project node or of an entire project.


Elemental unit in an information model. Can be an object, an object type, a variable, a variable type or a method.


Open DataBase Connectivity. API standard for the client to DBMS connection.


Node that can contain objects and variables. Used to represent both physical objects (for example a motor) and non-physical objects/features (for example a recipe).


Open Platform Communication Unified Architecture. Standard for machine to machine communication for Industry 4.0.

Presentation engine

Object which at runtime creates an interactive session to display the user interface.


Non-detachable variable of a node. In the C# environment, a non-detachable element of a class.

Q Application

HMI or IoT application generated by Q Studio. It is run on a target system.

Q Studio

UNIQO IDE (Integrated Development Environment). Visual environment for designing and publishing HMI or IoT applications.


During execution of a Q Application, runtime context in which a user runs read and/or write operations based on their permissions.

interactive session

Session generated by a Presentation engine and that has an interactive user interface.


PLC variable.


Systems/device on which a Q Application can be run, for example a HMI panel, a web server or an IoT device.


Model of object or variable from which other objects or variables will be derived, called instances, which inherit the same information model.

native type

Object type or variable type included in the UNIQO installation.


Uniform Resource Identifier. A sequence of characters that uniquely identifies a resource.


Universally Unique IDentifier. Universally Unique Identifier.


Node that represents the value of a figure. Can contain other variables.

structured variable

Variable which contains other variables, for example an analog variable.


Reusable graphical object, which can contain other objects and/or variables. It is designed for a specific purpose of use at runtime (for example a panel for configuring users).