API to create variables


The APIs described below create variables in the Q Studio project and return the corresponding C# objects. They are supplied by the InformationModel class, displayed by the QPlatform.HMIProject module.

InformationModel.MakeAnalogItem(browseName, dataTypeId)

Create a project analog variable derived from the AnalogItemType, which contains the data type indicated and returns a corresponding IUAVariable C# object.

static IUAVariable MakeAnalogItem(QualifiedName browseName, NodeId dataTypeId);


browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable.

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the new variable.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).



Corresponding C# object to the project variable created.


Below is an example in which an analog variable, MyAnalogVar, is created which contains a float data type:

var myVar = InformationModel.MakeAnalogItem("MyAnalogVar", OpcUa.DataTypes.Float);

InformationModel.MakeVariable(browseName, dataTypeId, arrayDimensions)

Creates a project variable derived from the BaseDataVariableType (base variable), which contains the data type indicated by the second argument and returns a corresponding IUAVariable C# object. Using the third argument (optional), it is possible to create an array, specifying its type and size.

static IUAVariable MakeVariable(QualifiedName browseName, NodeId dataTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions);


browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable.

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the new variable.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).

arrayDimensions uint[ ]

Optional. Array size.



Corresponding C# object to the project variable created.


Below is an example in which an analog variable, MyVar, is created, which contains a floating data:

var myVar = InformationModel.MakeVariable("MyVar", OpcUa.DataTypes.Float);

Below is an example in which a MyArray array with three cells is created:

var arrayDimensions = new uint[1];
arrayDimensions[0] = 3
var myVar = InformationModel.MakeVariable("MyArray", OpcUa.DataTypes.Int32, arrayDimensions);

InformationModel.MakeVariable(browseName, dataTypeId, variableTypeId, arrayDimensions)

Create a project variable of the type indicated by the third argument, and which contains the data type indicated by the second argument. It returns a C# object of the IUAVariable type corresponding to the project variable created. Using the fourth argument (optional), it is possible to create an array, specifying its type and size.

static IUAVariable MakeVariable(QualifiedName browseName, NodeId dataTypeId, NodeId variableTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions);


browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable.

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the new variable.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).

variableTypeId NodeId

Variable type from which the new variable is derived.


it is represented by a node inside the VariableTypes classes (e.g.: QPlatform.CoDeSys.VariableTypes.Tag).

arrayDimensions uint[ ]

Optional. Array size.



Corresponding C# object to the project variable created.


In the following example, a Tag2 variable of the CoDeSysTag native type is created, that contains one Int32 data:

var myVar = InformationModel.MakeVariable("Tag2", OpcUa.DataTypes.Int32, QPlatform.CoDeSys.VariableTypes.Tag);;

InformationModel.MakeVariableType(browseName, dataTypeId, arrayDimensions)

Create a project variable type derived from the BaseDataVariableType (base variable) type, which contains the data type indicated by the second argument and returns a C# object of the corresponding IUAVariableType type. Optionally, it is possible to create an array, specifying its size with the third argument.

static IUAVariableType MakeVariableType(QualifiedName browseName, NodeId dataTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions);


browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable type.

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the new variable type.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).

arrayDimensions uint[ ]

Optional. Array size.



C# object matching the project variable type created.


Below is an example in which a MyVarType variable is created, which contains an Int32 data:

var myVar = InformationModel.MakeVariableType("MyVarType", OpcUa.DataTypes.Int32);

InformationModel.MakeVariableType(browseName, dataTypeId, variableTypeId, arrayDimensions)

Create a project variable of the type indicated by the third argument (supertype), and which contains the data type indicated by the second argument. It returns a C# object of the IUAVariableType corresponding to the project variable type created. Using the fourth argument (optional), it is possible to create an array, specifying its type and size.

static IUAVariableType MakeVariableType(browseName QualifiedName, NodeId dataTypeId, NodeId variableTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions);


browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable type.

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the new variable type.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).

variableTypeId NodeId

Variable type from which the new variable type is derived.


it is represented by a node inside the VariableTypes classes (e.g.: QPlatform.CoDeSys.VariableTypes.Tag).

arrayDimensions uint[ ]

Optional. Array size.



C# object matching the project variable type created.


Below is an example in which a MyTagType variable type derived from the CoDeSysTag native type is created, and which contains one Int32-type data:

var myVar = InformationModel.MakeVariableType("MyTagType", OpcUa.DataTypes.Int32, QPlatform.CoDeSys.VariableTypes.Tag);

InformationModel.MakeVariable<T>(browseName, dataTypeId, arrayDimensions)

Create a project variable, derived from the specified <T> type, which contains the data type indicated by the second argument. It returns a C# object of the specified <T> type corresponding to the project variable created. Using the third argument (optional), it is possible to create an array, specifying its type and size.


at design time, the API functions only if the specified type is a native type, i.e., contained in the Q Platform modules.

static T MakeVariable<T>(QualifiedName browseName, NodeId dataTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions);



IUAVariable C# class, corresponding to the C# object class to return and to the variable type from which the new variable is derived.

browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable.

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the variable.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).

arrayDimensions uint[ ]

Optional. Array size.



Corresponding C# object to the project variable created.


Below is an example in which a Speed2 variable of the Speed type is created and returns a Speed C# object:

var myVar = InformationModel.MakeVariable<Speed>("Speed2", OpcUa.DataTypes.Int32);

InformationModel.MakeVariable<T>(browseName, variableTypeId, dataTypeId, arrayDimensions)

Creates a project variable of the type indicated by the third argument, and which contains the data type indicated by the second argument. It returns a C# object of the specified <T> type corresponding to the project variable created. Using the fourth argument (optional), it is possible to create an array, specifying its type and size.

static T MakeVariable<T>(QualifiedName browseName, NodeId variableTypeId, NodeId dataTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions);



IUAVariable C# class, corresponding to the class of the C# object to return.

browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable.

variableTypeId NodeId

Variable type from which the new variable is derived.


it is represented by a node inside the VariableTypes classes (e.g.: QPlatform.CoDeSys.VariableTypes.Tag).

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the variable.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).

arrayDimensions uint[ ]

Optional. Array size.



Corresponding C# object to the project variable created.


var myTag = InformationModel.MakeVariable<QPlatform.CoDeSys.Tag>("CodesysTag", OpcUa.DataTypes.UInt16);

InformationModel.MakeVariableType<T>(browseName, variableTypeId, dataTypeId, arrayDimensions)

Create a project variable type derived from the type indicated by the third argument (supertype), and which contains the data type indicated by the second argument. Returns a C# object of the specified <T> type corresponding to the project variable type created. Using the fourth argument (optional), it is possible to create an array, specifying its type and size.

static T MakeVariableType<T>(QualifiedName browseName, NodeId variableTypeId, NodeId dataTypeId, uint[] arrayDimensions);



IUAVariableType C# class, corresponding to the C# object class to return.

browseName QualifiedName

BrowseName of the new variable type.

variableTypeId NodeId

Variable type from which the new variable is derived.


it is represented by a node inside the VariableTypes classes (e.g.: QPlatform.CoDeSys.VariableTypes.Tag).

dataTypeId NodeId

Data type contained in the new variable type.


it is represented by a node inside the DataTypes classes (e.g.:OpcUa.DataTypes.Boolean).

arrayDimensions uint[ ]

Optional. Array size.



C# object corresponding to the project variable type created.


var myCustomTagType = InformationModel.MakeVariableType<QPlatform.CoDeSys.TagType>("CustomCoDeSysTagType", QPlatform.CoDeSys.VariableTypes.Tag, OpcUa.DataTypes.UInt16);

See also

Related concepts


Related procedures

Variables and Variable Types