DataStore (database)ΒΆ


A database object represents a project embedded database or external database, whose data can be read and written through standard SQL queries and/or through the OPC UA methods exposed by the object.


while a project embedded database intrinsically has no reading/writing limits, an external database can have limits that depend on its access management policy.

The following database types are available:



Application examples

Embedded database

Object that represents a project embedded SQLite database at runtime.


ODBC database ODBC database

Object that represents a local or remote database among those supported with ODBC (Open DataBase Connectivity) protocol.


Use of databases

Typically, an Embedded database is used to manage data supporting other objects within the Q Application. The ODBC Database object is used instead to query or populate a remote database maintained with other systems and containing data useful for the project.

Below are some UNIQO objects that can be read/written in a database:

  • Data grid, List, Drop-down selection and Trend chart objects: can query a database to obtain data to be displayed at runtime.

  • Data logger and Event logger objects: store data in a database.

  • Recipe Schema object: stores and reads data in a database.