Activate the UNIQO licenseΒΆ


The UNIQO license must be activated on the targets. The License Manager software (Windows and Linux ASEM HMI) or UNIQO License CLI (Debian) is required for license activation.

A license can be installed in online or offline mode depending on whether the target has an Internet connection or not. In offline mode, a second device with License Manager and an Internet connection is required.


license deactivation on a target is not possible at the moment.

Activate UNIQO in online mode (Windows and Linux ASEM)

  1. In License Manager, select Online > Activate a license for this device.

  2. Enter a valid license key and click Activate.

Activate UNIQO in online mode (Debian)

On the target run the command UniqoLicenseCli --online-activate --license-key <licenseKey>, where <licenseKey> is a valid license key.


to display the installed licenses, run the UniqoLicenseCli --show-installed-license command.

Activate UNIQO in offline mode (Windows and Linux ASEM)

  1. On the offline device, start License Manager.

  2. Select Offline > Export a license activation file for this device to a file, then click Next.

  3. Enter a valid license key and click Create to save an activation request file (.req extension).

  4. Move the activation request file to a device with License Manager and an Internet connection.

  5. On an online device, in License Manager select Online > Activate a license for a different device, then select the activation request file and click Activate: License Manager generates the license file (.lic extension).

  6. Move the generated license file to the offline device, then in License Manager select Offline > **Install an already activated license file to this device.

  7. To activate the license, select the license file and click Import.

Activate UNIQO in offline node (Debian)


to display the installed licenses, run the UniqoLicenseCli --show-installed-license command.

  1. On the target run the command UniqoLicenseCli --offline-activate --license-key <licenseKey> --output-activation-request-file <activationRequestFile>, where <licenseKey> is a valid license key and <activationRequestFile> is the path where the activation request file is to be saved (.req extension).

  2. Move the activation request file to a device with License Manager and an Internet connection.

  3. Generate the license on the online device in one of the following alternative ways:

    • In License Manager: select Online > Activate a license for a different device, then select the activation request file and click Activate: License Manager generates the license file (.lic extension).

    • From the command line: run the command UniqoLicenseCli --online-activate --activation-request-file <activationRequestFile>--output-license-file <outputLicenseFile>, where <activationRequestFile> is the path to the activation request file name (.req extension) and <outputLicenseFile> is the path where the license is to be saved (.lic extension).

  4. Move the license file on the offline device, then run the command UniqoLicenceCli --offline-activate --license-file <licenseFile>, where <licenseFile> is the path to the name of the license file (.lic extension).

See also

Related procedures

Install UNIQO