Using aliases

Create an alias

  1. In the Project panel click the desired object or object type in which to create the alias.

  2. In the Properties panel, click image1, Aliases: the new alias appears with a name assigned automatically by Q Studio.

  3. Optional. Rename the alias.

  4. Set the alias:

    If the source node…


    can be set at design time

    select the node or drag it from the Project panel into the alias value field. The kind property is automatically assigned a value with the relative reference node.

    can be set at runtime only or if desired set it at runtime

    in the Kind property select the reference node.

Set up a dynamic link using alias

  1. In Project click a node whose property is to be set through dynamic link.

  2. In Properties panel, near the desired property, click image2: the dynamic links window opens.

  3. In the Alias or Dynamic panels folder expand the aliases of interest and select the desired source node

  4. Click Select: the path to the reference node or attribute will appear in the field.

See also

Related concepts


Related APIs

APIs for aliases

Application examples

Design a widget to display the values of multiple motors