Station CODESYS¶
Nome |
BrowseName |
DataType |
Descrizione |
IP gateway | GatewayIP |
IP address of a valid CODESYS Gateway available in the network; normally it is the IP address of the PLC |
Porta | Port |
This is the TCP/IP port used to connect with the PLC. The value can be obtained from the CODESYS PLC Programming Environment: open the «On line» menu and select the «Communication Parameter» item. The property has meaning only for Version 2.3 PLC’s; if using other PLC’s versions the property will be disregarded. |
Device Name / Address | PLCAddress |
This property holds the CODESYS Controller Device Name or its IP address. This IP address can refer to the same machine that runs the driver using the local IP address or «localhost». |
Timeout | Timeout |
Tempo massimo di attesa in millisecondi per ricevere una risposta dal PLC. |
Versione PLC | PlcVersion |
Here you have to select which version the PLC is. The available options are Version 2.3 and Version 3. |
Endianness | Endianness |
Ordinamento dei byte in accordo con l’architettura del processore con cui si stabilisce la comunicazione |
Accesso a PLC | LoginToPlc |
Default value: TrueFalse. Some special devices can require or not a login on the PLC. Leave the default value if not otherwise specified by the device documentation. |
Protocollo | Protocol |
Default value: TCPIP L2 ROUTE. Possible values are: TCPIP L2 ROUTE, TCPIP L2, TCPIP L4. Some special devices require a special communication protocol. Leave the default value if not otherwise specified by the device documentation. |
Dimensione buffer di communicazione | CommunicationBufferSize |
This setting is valid only for PLC of version 2.3. This value is the communication buffer dimension. Default value is 0, that means automatic management. Verify on the target the correct settings. |
Codice operazione | OperationCode |
(Ereditato da Station di comunicazione) |
Tags |
(Ereditato da Station di comunicazione) |
Types |
(Ereditato da Station di comunicazione) |