Station TwinCAT¶
Nome |
BrowseName |
DataType |
Descrizione |
Dimensione massima job in bytes | MaximumJobSizeInBytes |
Dimensione massima in bytes di una trasmissione di tag dal PLC 0: imposta il valore massimo di 2048 byte. |
RemoteAmsNetId | RemoteAmsNetId |
Default value: empty. It is the address of the TwinCAT Station, into the TwinCAT network. The AMS Net Id consists of 6 bytes and is represented in point notation, just like the IP addresses. This Net Ids must be issued by the project supervisor and must not be repeated in the TwinCAT network. A Standard + «1.1» is generated from the installation of an AMS Net id from the IP address of the system, if present. If no IP address can be determined during installation, the AMS Net id «» is generated. The AMS ID related to a TwinCAT Station can be read from the property page of the TwinCAT System, in the tab window AMS Router. |
LocalAmsNetId | LocalAmsNetId |
Default value: empty. It is the address of the target system running the Q Application, into the TwinCAT network |
AmsPort | AmsPort |
Default value = 801. This is a TCP port number that identifies the PLC running on the TwinCAT Server. The ADS devices in a TwinCAT system are uniquely identified by their ADS-Port. The following ports are already assigned: 801 = PLC Runtime System 1; 811 = PLC Runtime System 2; 821 = PLC Runtime System 3; 831 = PLC Runtime System 4; 500 = NC; 100 = Logger; 900 = Camshaft controller. |
Timeout | Timeout |
Tempo massimo di attesa in millisecondi del driver per ricevere una risposta dal PLC. |
Numero massimo di richieste aggregate | MaxAggregateRequest |
Default value = 1. The driver can aggregate read/write requests in a single request, to improve the communication performances. The driver aggregate requests, in run-time, if this property is set to a value greater than 1. Values greater than 500 are not allowed. |
Indirizzo IP | IpAddress |
Indirizzo univoco per raggiungere il PLC in rete |
Codice operazione | OperationCode |
(Ereditato da Station di comunicazione) |
Tags |
(Ereditato da Station di comunicazione) |
Types |
(Ereditato da Station di comunicazione) |