Customize recipe managementΒΆ


Custom recipe management can be designed starting from the Recipes Editor widget, specifically to reuse the various widget objects used for the appropriate application.

To reuse these objects, temporarily add the Recipes Editor widget, copy and paste the elements of interest in the desired nodes, then remove the widget.

Below are the design purposes and related widget objects that can be reused to obtain the different features.

Configure graphical objects and scripts for the ingredients


these objects are required for the function of the other NetLogics illustrated below, therefore they must be included in the custom configuration.

Object to copy



RecipesEditor panel

  • Contains other graphical objects to manage the recipes.

  • Define the reference Recipe Schema.

In the RecipeSchema property of the RecipesEditor panel, select the desired Recipe Schema.

Netlogic RecipesEditorUISetup

Create following set of objects for each ingredient of the selected Recipe Schema:

  • A Text box object with the name of the ingredient

  • The graphical object most suitable for changing the value of the ingredient, based on the ingredient data type (Text box, Spin box, Check box, Date and time or Duration). At runtime, the value of this graphical object is copied automatically in Edit model.

To create the graphical objects, right-click RecipesEditor or RecipesEditorUISetup, then click Execute Setup.

Select stored recipes

Object to copy


RecipesComboBox object

  • Insert the name of a recipe to store in the database associated with the Recipe Schema referenced in RecipesEditor.

  • Display the names of the recipes stored in the database.

NetLogic RecipesEditorComboBoxLogic in RecipesComboBox

Read the data of the recipes stored in the database, to display their names in RecipesComboBox and display the values of the ingredients.

Save, load, delete, apply recipes

Object to copy


  • SaveButton object

  • NetLogic RecipesEditorSaveButtonLogic in SaveButton

Save or update in the database the recipe written or selected in RecipesComboBox.

DeleteRecipeButton object

Delete the selected recipe from the database using RecipesComboBox.

LoadButton object

Load the selected recipe from the PLC to the Q Application using RecipesComboBox.

ApplyButton object

Apply the selected recipe on the PLC using RecipesComboBox.


the buttons invoke the respective methods of the Recipe Schema object (see Recipe schema).

Display messages following actions

Object to copy



  • OutputMessage object

  • Netlogic RecipesEditorOutputMessageLogic

When the user saves, deletes, loads or applies a recipe, an output message is displayed for five seconds.

To change the message retention time, double-click NetLogic and change the value expressed in milliseconds.

See also

Related concepts


Related procedures

Design recipe management

Recipes Editor


Recipe schema