System log in file system

Design time log

The design time logs contain messages relating to projects being changed in Q Studio.

These logs are displayed on the Q Studio Output tab of the Q Studio output panel and are saved in the file system in the path %localappdata%\ASEM\UNIQO\QStudio\Log.

Runtime log

The runtime logs contain messages relating to the Q Application running. In particular, depending on the target on which the Q Application is running, Q Studio logs are shown in a different tab of the panel and are saved in the file system in different paths, as follows:

If the Q Application is running…

Then the logs…

through a Q Studio emulator

  • are displayed in the Emulator Output tab of the log panel

  • are saved in the file system in %localappdata%\ASEM\UNIQO\Emulator\Log\<Project name>*

on an external device and was started from Q Studio

  • are displayed in the Q Studio Output tab of the log panel

  • are saved in the file system in localappdata\ASEM\UNIQO\QStudio\LogDevice\<Target name>

on an external Linux ASEM device

  • are displayed in the log panel in a tab with the name of the target

  • are saved in the file system in /persistent/log/ASEM/UNIQO/QApplication

on an external Windows device

  • are displayed in the log panel in a tab with the name of the target

  • are saved in the file system in the path %localappdata%\ASEM\UNIQO\QApplication\Log