Q Studio Interface

How It Appears






Main toolbar

See Main toolbar buttons.


Project panel

Project information model to display and set the structure of nodes. The nodes can be organized according to parent/child logics.


Types panel

Object Types and Variable Types:

  • Q Studio native types, grouped in folders according to their purpose

  • custom project types, located in folders that reflect the project structure visible in Project


Log Panel

Messaggi relativi al funzionamento di Q Studio (scheda Q Studio Output), dell’Emulator (scheda Emulator Output), delle Q Application in esecuzione e connesse a Q Studio (altre schede con il nome del target).


Path of the object being edited in the editor


Specific toolbar for the object type being edited in the editor


Object Editor

Graphic editor to set interface objects or to configure other specific object types (e.g. tag importers, recipes, etc.)


Properties panel

Editor to display and/or set the properties of the selected node in Project or in the object editor


Events panel

Editor to subscribe methods to events that can be generated by the selected object in Project, or in the object editor (see Managing Methods and Events in Q Studio), or generated by another selected object.

Main toolbar buttons




Create, open or close a project.


Save the project or export the Q Application.


Cancel the last operation.


Repeat the last operation.


Open the project resource window for displaying, importing or deleting project files such as images, videos, documents, certificates, etc.


Open the template library window and template variables. It contains both default and custom libraries.


Open the .NET project integrated in the UNIQO project, to integrate functionality through C# code. The .NET project is opened via the default editor configured in the settings.


Compile, transfer and run the application on the target.

In the relative drop-down menu, Configure target opens the window to set the targets.


End the Q Application on the target.


Open the Q Studio Options window, which contains the following options:




Set the Q Studio interface locale.

Advanced mode

Activate the display of advanced log messages in the log panel (see Configure the information level to display).

Show feature previews

Activate the experimental features of Q Studio.

Preferred code editor

Set the default code editor for the display/change of the NetLogic C# code.

Preferred physical length unit

Set the default unit of measurement for physical lengths.

Update UNIQO

Open in the browser the page from which to update UNIQO.

The following items are available in the relevant drop-down menu:


Open the UNIQO local manual in the browser.

Buttons in Properties




Go back in the panel selection history.


Go forward in the panel selection history.


Divide the Project panel into two panels.


Create a new node inside the selected node.


Remove the selected node and the nodes it contains.


Group the child nodes: hide them from the Project and make them non-editable.


Release the child nodes of the group: display them in the Project and make them editable.


Only for some object types. Open the object in the dedicated editor.

Log Panel Buttons




Show/hide the error messages of maximum severity.


Shows/hides the error messages of minimum severity.


Show/hide information notices.


(in advanced mode only - see Configure the log panel) Show/hide additional information about the error messages or information notices displayed.


(in advanced mode only - see Configure the log panel) Show/hide additional debug information about the error messages or information notices displayed.


Open the logs folder of the running element (Q Studio at design time, Q Application at runtime or Emulator).


Delete messages from the panel.


Open the selection window of the modules to display in the Category column

Information in the log panel


Column name



Information level of the messages:

  • image6 = error of maximum severity

  • image7 = error of minimum severity

  • image8 = information notices

  • (in advanced mode only)image9 = additional information about the error or alert

  • (in advanced mode only)image10 -= additional debug information about the error or alert



(Only for Q Studio native messages) Message ID code



Message timestamp



Category of Q Platform message or module that generated the message.





Message content

For the configuration of the levels of messages to be displayed, see Configure the log panel.

Editor Buttons

The buttons displayed change depending on the element being edited.

Properties Panel Buttons




Organize the properties in groups.


Sort the properties in alphabetical order.


Add a property to the node.


Remove a property or reset a property to its default value.


Only for some object types. Open the object in the dedicated editor.

Events Panel Buttons




In the Events panel header: add an event of another object.

Near an event: associate a method with the event.


Delete the selected method.

Common elements




Change the name or value of the element.


Open the dynamic link window to set the value of the corresponding field with a dynamic link (see Dynamic Links and Dynamic Link Window).


Open the dynamic link window to edit the existing link (see Dynamic Links and Dynamic Link Window).


Open the specific dropdown menu for the relative button.

See also

Related concepts
