

In UNIQO, a Style sheet object makes it possible to globally set some style properties of all graphical objects in the project, or of specific object classes (for example, the properties of Switch objects). The style properties are then inherited, starting from the style sheet, by the different types and instances in a project.

Multiple style sheets can be created in the same project. This can be useful, for example, to allow the user to switch between a light tone interface and a dark tone interface at runtime.


Q Studio includes some style sheet templates, available in the templates window (see Use object and variable templates).

Inheritance of style properties

If the same property is set at more than one level, for example, if the text color is set in both the style sheet globally and on a custom Label object type, the property is given a value on the single object according to this order of decreasing priority:

  • property set on the instance

  • property set on the type from which the instance derives

  • property set in the style sheet for the specific object class

  • property set in the style sheet globally

If the value of a property is set to Default, the value corresponds to the value set at a higher level, in the same order of priority as above. For example, if the value of Text color is Default on a Label instance, the value set is the first one found for the same property at the type, object class or global level, in that order.

See also

Related procedures

Use the style sheets


Style sheet