Pie chart¶
How It Appears

Configuring the object
Configures the data to display
Per impostare la sorgente dei dati, fare clic su
accanto alla proprietà Modello e selezionare il nodo o il database contenente le variabili da rappresentare nel grafico. .. note:: i dati visualizzabili sono i valori degli attributi o delle proprietà di tutti i nodi direttamente figli e del tipo indicato nella proprietà ItemKind. Tipicamente ci si riferisce a una collezione di oggetti con modello informativo uguale o simile.
To set the labels of the chart sections, click
next to the Label property, then click Alias > {Item}(object path), click the desired variable, then in Attribute select the desired attribute (e.g., BrowseName) and click Select. .. note:: if the variable type in Aliases displayed in the Dynamic Link Window does not match the desired variable, set the ItemKind property to the desired variable type.
To set the values to display as sections of the chart, click
next to the Value property, then click Aliases > {Item}(object path), click the desired variable, then in Attribute select the desired attribute (e.g., Value) and click Select.
Name | BrowseName | DataType | Description |
Model | Model | Reference to the information model or database from which to obtain the data | |
Query | Query | Standard SQL query to filter the data of interest. It can be used both to filter data from a database and to filter data obtained from a node-based model. In case of a node-based model, the SELECT * FROM Model part is mandatory, followed by the WHERE clause with which to indicate the search conditions - e.g.: SELECT * FROM Model WHERE Speed > 40. | |
Label | Label | Chart section labels | |
Value | Value | Value displayed and possibly changed by the user | |
Visible | Visible | Show/hide the window. (Inherited from Element) | |
Enabled | Enabled | Enables/disables the interaction with the user (True = enabled; False = disabled). (Inherited from Element) | |
Opacity | Opacity | Opacity level (0 = transparent) (Inherited from Element) | |
Left margin | LeftMargin | (Only if Horizontal Alignment = Left or Center or Stretch) Distance between the left edge of the object and the left edge of its container. (Inherited from Element) | |
Top margin | TopMargin | (Only if Vertical Alignment = Top or Center or Stretch) Distance between the top edge of the object and the top edge of its container. (Inherited from Element) | |
Right margin | RightMargin | (Only if Horizontal Alignment = Right or Center or Stretch) Distance between the right edge of the object and the right edge of its container. (Inherited from Element) | |
Bottom margin | BottomMargin | (Only if Vertical Alignment = Bottom or Center or Stretch) Distance between the bottom edge of the object and the bottom edge of its container. (Inherited from Element) | |
Width | Width | Width of the window. It can assume values greater than or equal to zero. The Auto value sets the width equal to the width of the content (in this case, in the absence of content the object collapses). (Inherited from Element) | |
Height | Height | Height of the window. It can assume values greater than or equal to zero. The Auto value sets the height equal to the height of the content (in this case, in the absence of content the object collapses). (Inherited from Element) | |
Horizontal alignment | HorizontalAlignment | Alignment of the object on the horizontal axis. Left = the left side is positioned on the left side of the container, except for the left margin; Right = the right side is positioned on the right side of the container, except for the right margin; Center = the center of the object is positioned in the center of the container, except for the left and/or right margins; Stretch = object width equals container width, except for the left and/or right margins. (Inherited from Element) | |
Vertical alignment | VerticalAlignment | Alignment of the object on the vertical axis. Top = the top side is positioned on the top side of the container, except for the top margin; Bottom = the bottom side is positioned on the bottom side of the container, except for the bottom margin; Center = the center of the object is positioned in the center of the container, except for the top and/or bottom margins; Stretch = object height equals container height, except for the top and/or bottom margins. (Inherited from Element) | |
Rotation | Rotation | Rotation of the object around its center point. Positive values indicate clockwise arc degrees. (Inherited from Element) |